The Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD) was launched in Osaka, Japan, 2009 with Professor Yutaka Seino as Founding Chairman. The Association comprises of academic societies and associations from East and Southeast Asia and individual members. It embraces scientists, physicians, laboratory workers, nurses and students from all over the World who are interested in diabetes and related subjects. Active members who have paid the current annual membership fee receive, bi-monthly with no extra charge, the official journal of the Association, “Journal of Diabetes Investigation” also referred as “JDI”. The Association holds an annual academic meeting in a different Asian city each year, and members are encouraged to participate in the meeting, and discuss subjects regarding diabetes to improve levels of clinical and basic research on diabetes in this region. To assist the participation of young presenting members, the Association provides travel grants for each annual meeting. The Association is governed by the Executive Board, which is chaired by the Chairman and includes Chairs from all board societies and associations, as well as the Editor-in-Chief and members of the Executive Board of JDI.
Chinese Diabetes Society, Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association,
Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction
Japan Diabetes Society, Korean Diabetes Association (listed in alphabetical order)