May 28 (Friday) and 29 (Saturday), 2010.
Okayama Digital Museum, 5F (Symposium / Poster Presentation)
Okayama Convention Center, 3F Rm301 (Oral Presentation) / 4F Rm 407(Poster Presentation)
ANA Hotel Okayama, 1F Kyokusui (Leuncheon Seminar) / 19F Sky BanquetHall (Evening Seminar)
> Location map/Floor map (PDF)
May 28 (Friday)
Symposium I: Diabetes Foot Care in Asia
Symposium II: Cutting Edge Diabetes Research from Asia
Luncheon Lecture: The Treatment of Diabetes in China and the HbA1c in
Asia (Professor Linong Ji)
Evening Lecture: Experience in type 2 diabetic patients with DPP-4
Inhibitor in Asia (Professor Kun-Ho Yoon)
Poster/Oral Presentations
May 29 (Saturday)
AASD-JDS Joint Symposium: Metabolic Syndrome in Asia
Poster Presentations
* The official language is English.
> Updated Detailed Program (PDF)
Chair person for "Poster Presentation 2: Molecular and Cellular
Biology of Diabetes 2" has been changed to Dr. Yasuharu Ohta
Chair person for "Poster Presentation 9: Epidemiology of Diabetes and
Metabolic Syndrome 3" has been changed to Dr. Masahiro Nishi
No registration is required for The 2nd AASD Annual Meeting, while registration for the 53rd JDS Scientific Meeting is essential to attend the 2nd AASD meeting. To register for the 53rd JDS Scientific Meeting, please access JDS website at:http://apollon.nta.co.jp/53amjds/
Registration fee exemption is only applicable to students or residents who belong to Japanese domestic institutions.
Abstract Submission
We welcome abstract submission for the Poster Presentation. Accepted abstracts might have opportunity for the Oral Presentation based on their excellence in the peer-review process. All applicants for the poster presentations are requested to submit abstracts from the submission website in accordance with the instructions. The submission website is open during October 30-December 1, 2009, and no submission will be accepted after December 1, 2009. The results of the peer-review will be e-mailed to all applicants at registered e-mal addresses.
(Abstract submission is now closed)
Invited speakers for AASD symposium I & II and AASD-JDS Joint Symposium is also encouraged to submit abstracts from the submission website. Please indicate that you are one of invited speakers in "Remarks" section in the same website. Invited speakers are not eligible for AASD travel grant.
Instructions of Presentation
> Instructions of Presentation (PDF)
Travel Grant
We offer financial support to participants from Asian countries with accepted abstracts in order to cover a part of the cost to attend the meeting. If you wish to apply for the travel grant, please select "Consider this submission for AASD travel grant" at the end of the abstract submission webpage. Awarding the travel grant or travel support will be based on peer review of the submitted abstracts and the result will be sent to the winners via registered e-mail by the end of January 2010.
Travel grant: 100,000 yen (approx. 10 awards)
Travel support: 50,000 yen (approx. 15 awards)
Please access JDS website at: http://apollon.nta.co.jp/53amjds/
For further inquiries, please contact
Secretariat for AASD.
c/o Plando Japan Desk,
Sales Promotion Department,
West Japan Regional HQS,