By law AASD is bound to state explicitly that it has no influence on the configuration or contents of sites to which a link has been included. AASD therefore disassociates itself from the contents of linked sites and all other sites to which those links may lead.
About AASD
Name: Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD)
Chairman: Yutaka Seino M.D. Ph.D.
AASD Office Address: 2-2-4, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3514-1721 / Fax: +81-3-3514-1725
E-mail address:
Payment Conditions
Membership Fees / Registration Fees:
Membership/Registration Fees are charged according to the information on the application form received. If according to our records a higher fee than indicated applies we will contact the person.
The annual fee for membership of AASD is 100USD (10,000JPY for Japanese) and for graduate student / clinical resident is 50USD (5,000JPY for Japanese), including the subscription fee for JDI.
Membership is automatically renewed. Unless you notify withdrawal from AASD, you will be automatically charged with annual fee on the date of renewal. For member’s payment via bank transfer, the office will send notice before the renewing date.
There is no refund of the membership fee upon withdrawal from AASD.
An invoice will be sent only upon request.
Credit Card:
Membership / Registration fee payment is accepted by following credit cards:
VISA, Master, and JCB for payment in JPY.
VISA, Master, JCB and other international cards.
The entered Credit Card information will be encrypted; the site is very safe. As payment partner we contracted the company "TELECOM CREDIT" (, Tel:03-3457-9124, )
The payment flow: when register online at AASD webpage, chose credit card for Payment*, you will get an e-mail with link to the payment page.
Bank transfer
Only applicable for membership payments in from Japan and for group registration.
Bank transfer to:
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Kojimachi Branch
Savings Account
Account name: AASD
Account No.: 0023725
* Please be aware that a commission for transfer would be paid by applicant.
About AASD
Name: Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD)
Chairman: Yutaka Seino M.D. Ph.D.
AASD Office Address: 2-2-4, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3514-1721 / Fax: +81-3-3514-1725
E-mail address:
Payment Conditions
Membership Fees / Registration Fees:
Membership/Registration Fees are charged according to the information on the application form received. If according to our records a higher fee than indicated applies we will contact the person.
The annual fee for membership of AASD is 100USD (10,000JPY for Japanese) and for graduate student / clinical resident is 50USD (5,000JPY for Japanese), including the subscription fee for JDI.
Membership is automatically renewed. Unless you notify withdrawal from AASD, you will be automatically charged with annual fee on the date of renewal. For member’s payment via bank transfer, the office will send notice before the renewing date.
There is no refund of the membership fee upon withdrawal from AASD.
An invoice will be sent only upon request.
Credit Card:
Membership / Registration fee payment is accepted by following credit cards:
VISA, Master, and JCB for payment in JPY.
VISA, Master, JCB and other international cards.
The entered Credit Card information will be encrypted; the site is very safe. As payment partner we contracted the company "TELECOM CREDIT" (, Tel:03-3457-9124, )
The payment flow: when register online at AASD webpage, chose credit card for Payment*, you will get an e-mail with link to the payment page.
Bank transfer
Only applicable for membership payments in from Japan and for group registration.
Bank transfer to:
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Kojimachi Branch
Savings Account
Account name: AASD
Account No.: 0023725
* Please be aware that a commission for transfer would be paid by applicant.
The purchaser acknowledges our right to store some personal data. Those data will not be passed on to any third party unless full payment is not received.
The purchaser acknowledges our right to store some personal data. Those data will not be passed on to any third party unless full payment is not received.
Specified Commercial Transaction
- About the Specified Commercial Transactions Act
- -Site management company name: Asian Diabetes Association
-Representative: Seino Yutaka
-Location: 8F Kojimachi Central Building, 2-2-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
-Telephone number: 03-3514-1721
-Email address:
-Sale price: 10,000 yen
-Delivery time of product: Immediately after payment
-Payment method: Credit card payment
-Returns / refunds: Due to the nature of the service provided, we cannot accept returns or refunds. - Information about recurring payments
- (1) If you apply for recurring payments by credit card, you will be automatically charged every year.
- (2) If you wish to cancel, please contact with your membership number and name.
- (3) If you wish to cancel recurring payments, please do so at least one week before the next recurring payment date.
Privacy policy
The Asia Diabetes Society General Incorporated Association recognizes the importance of personal information and strives to collect, use, and manage it appropriately as follows.
- Collection of personal information
- The Asia Diabetes Society General Incorporated Association collects information that can identify specific individuals to the extent necessary to achieve the objectives and business of the Society as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation. When collecting personal information, the purpose is clearly stated, and in principle, the information is provided (registered) based on the provider's will.
- Use of personal information
- The Asia Diabetes Society General Incorporated Association uses collected personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of collection. However, in any of the following cases, the information may be used or provided for purposes other than those of collection.
- When required by law
- When the provider agrees
- When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal data to the extent necessary to achieve business objectives (for example, when informing a company of the name and address of the provider to a company entrusted with delivery services)
- When there is a legitimate reason to accomplish the business plan approved at the general meeting and the provider agrees
- Management of personal information
- The Asia Diabetes Society will endeavor to properly manage collected personal information so that it is not leaked to the outside, destroyed, tampered with, or lost. However, personal information that is disclosed by the provider himself or herself or that has already been made public is not subject to the Society's management.
- Disclosure and correction of personal information
- In principle, the Asia Diabetes Society will disclose personal information without delay when a provider of personal information requests the disclosure of that information. In addition, in principle, the Society will make the correction without delay when a request is made to correct personal information about the provider.
- Handling on the website
- The use of the website established by the Asia Diabetes Society (hereinafter referred to as this website) is at the user's own risk. The Asia Diabetes Society is not responsible for any damages incurred by the use of information obtained from this website or other websites linked to this website.
- Changes to the Privacy Policy
- The privacy policy may be changed without notice in accordance with changes to the law or for other reasons. The latest privacy policy will always apply to personal information collected by the Asia Diabetes Society. Any such changes will be posted on the Asia Diabetes Society website and will take effect from the date of posting.
- Contact information regarding the handling of personal information
- If you have any questions regarding the protection of personal information at the Asia Diabetes Society, please contact the following:
Asia Diabetes Society
8F Kojimachi Central Building, 2-2-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083
TEL: 03-3514-1721 FAX: 03-3514-1725
- 特定商取引法について
- -サイト運営会社名:一般社団法人アジア糖尿病協会
-代表者:清野 裕
-所在地:〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町2-2-4 麹町セントラルビル8F
-返品・返金:サービスの性質上、返品・返金はお受けできません。 - 定期支払いに関する情報
- (1) クレジットカードによる定期支払いをお申込みいただいた場合、毎年自動的に請求されます。
- (2) 退会をご希望の場合は、会員番号とお名前を添えて までご連絡ください。
- (3) 定期支払いを解約する場合は、次回の定期支払い日の1週間前までに解約してください。
- 個人情報の収集
- 一般社団法人アジア糖尿病学会は、定款に定める学会の目的および事業の達成に必要な範囲で、特定の個人を識別できる情報を収集します。個人情報を収集する場合には、その利用目的を明示し、原則として提供者本人の意思に基づいて情報を提供(登録)します。
- 個人情報の利用
- 一般社団法人アジア糖尿病学会は、収集した個人情報を、収集目的の達成に必要な範囲内で利用いたします。ただし、次のいずれかに該当する場合は、収集目的以外の目的で利用・提供することがあります。
- 法律で義務付けられている場合
- プロバイダーが同意した場合
- 事業目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、個人データの取扱いの全部または一部を委託する場合(例えば、配送業務を委託する会社に提供者の氏名や住所を通知する場合)
- 総会で承認された事業計画を遂行する正当な理由があり、提供者が同意した場合
- 個人情報の管理
- アジア糖尿病学会は、収集した個人情報が外部に漏洩したり、破壊、改ざん、紛失することのないよう適切な管理に努めます。ただし、提供者本人から開示された個人情報、または既に公表されている個人情報については、学会の管理対象にはなりません。
- 個人情報の開示・訂正等
- アジア糖尿病学会は、個人情報の提供者から個人情報の開示を求められたときは、原則として遅滞なく開示します。また、提供者から個人情報の訂正を求められたときは、原則として遅滞なく訂正を行います。
- ウェブサイトでの取り扱い
- アジア糖尿病学会が開設したウェブサイト(以下、当ウェブサイト)の利用は、利用者ご自身の責任において行われるものであり、当ウェブサイトおよび当ウェブサイトにリンクされている他のウェブサイトから得た情報の利用によって生じたあらゆる損害について、アジア糖尿病学会は一切の責任を負いません。
- プライバシーポリシーの変更
- プライバシーポリシーは、法律の変更やその他の理由により予告なく変更されることがあります。アジア糖尿病学会が収集する個人情報には、常に最新のプライバシーポリシーが適用されます。変更内容はアジア糖尿病学会のウェブサイトに掲載され、掲載日から有効となります。
- 個人情報の取り扱いに関するお問い合わせ先
- アジア糖尿病学会の個人情報保護に関するお問い合わせは、下記までご連絡ください。
〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町2-2-4 麹町セントラルビル8階
TEL:03-3514-1721 FAX:03-3514-1725