17th Annual Meeting
- 17th Scientific Meeting of Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD2025) in conjunction with the 46th Annual Meeting of the Diabetes Association and the Endocrine Society of the R.O.C.(TAIWAN)
Date: March 28-30, 2025
Venue: Taipei International Convention Center TAIPEI, TAIWAN
Detail: http://www.aasd2025.tw/
16th Annual Meeting
- 16th AASD Scientific Meeting in conjunction with 7th Ulaanbaatar International Congress of Endocrinology and Diabetes (UICED 2024)
Date: August 15(Thursday)-17(Saturday), 2024
Venue: Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar / Blue Sky Hotel / MNUMS Lecture Hall, Mongolia
Host:Mongolian Diabetes Association
Detail: https://www.uiced-mda.com/
15th Annual Meeting
- IDF-WPR Congress 2023 / 15th AASD Scientific Meeting in Conjunction with JADEC Annual Scientific Meeting
Date: July 21(Friday)-23(Sunday), 2023
Venue: Kyoto International Convention Center, Japan
Prof. Yutaka Seino / 15th AASD
Prof. Takashi Kadowaki / IDF-WPR 2023Host:
The Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes
International Diabetes Federation-Western Pacific Region
14th Annual Meeting
- 14th AASD Scientific Meeting in conjunction with JSDC
Date: October 21(Friday), 2022.
Venue: Online
President: Prof. Nobuya Inagaki
Host: The Japan Society of Diabetic Complications
Registration Form, Registration instructions* The official language is English
13th Annual Meeting
- The 11th International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism and the 13th AASD Scientific Meeting
Date: October 7(Thursday)-9(Saturday), 2021
Venue: Korea
President: Prof. Jeong Taek Woo
Host: Korean Diabetes Association
Detail: https://icdm2021.diabetes.or.kr/
12th Annual Meeting
11th Annual Meeting
- The 11thScientific Meeting of the AASD in conjunction with The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society
Date: 23 (Thursday) - 25 (Saturday) May, 2019
Venue: Sendai International Center, etc. (Sendai, Japan)
Address: Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0856
President: YUICHIRO YAMADA, M.D., Ph.D
Host: The Japan Diabetes Society
Detail: https://www.62jds.jp/en/
10th Annual Meeting

- The 10th Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with 12th IDF-WPR 2018 Congress
Date: 22th (Thu.) – 25th (Sun.) November 2018
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia
Address: Stall 7, Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Chairman, Congress Organising Committee: Prof Dato’ Dr Ikram Shah bin Ismail
Host: Diabetes Malaysia
9th Annual Meeting

- The 9th Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with The 60th Annual Meeting of The Japan Diabetes Society
Date: 19th (Fri.) – 20th (Sat.) May 2017
Venue: Nagoya Congress Center
Address: 1-1 Atsuta-nishimachi, Atsuta-ku, Nagoya 456-0036
President: JIRO NAKAMURA, M.D., Ph.D
Host: The Japan Diabetes Society
Detail: http://www.jds60.jp/
8th Annual Meeting

- 8th AASD Scientific Meeting in conjunction with 11th IDF-WPR Congress
Date: 27th (Thu) – 30th (Sun.) October 2016
Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (TICC)
Address: 1 Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec.5, Taipei 11049, Taiwan R.O.C
Website: http://www.ticc.com.tw/
Chairman for 11th IDF-WPR Congress: Prof. Wayne H-H Sheu
Chairman for 8th AASD Scientific Meeting: Prof. Lee-Ming Chuang
Host: Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association and Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators
Detail: http://www.idfwpr2016.org/index.html
7th Annual Meeting

- 7th AASD Scientific Meeting and Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong
Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction
Date: 21 (Sat.) – 22 (Sun.) November 2015
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
President: Prof. Ronald Ma
Host: Hong Kong Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction
Detail: http://www.aasd2015hk.org/
6th Annual Meeting
- 6th Scientific Meeting of AASD in
conjunction with 9th IDF-WPR congress
Date: November 21 (Fri.) - 24 (Mon.), 2014
Venue: Suntec, Singapore
Co-Chairs: Dr. Kevin Tan Eng Kiat and Prof. Sum Chee Fang
Host: Diabetic Society of Singapore
5th Annual Meeting
- 5th Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with 2013 ICDM
- Date: November 6 (Wed.) - 9 (Sat.), 2013
Venue: Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel, Seoul, Korea
President: Prof. Hong Kyu Lee
Host: Korean Diabetes Association
Detail: http://icdm2013.diabetes.or.kr/
4th Annual Meeting
- 4th Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with 9th IDF-WPR Congress
- Date: November 24 (Sat.) - 27 (Tue.), 2012
Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan
President: Prof. Nigishi Hotta
Host: Japan Diabetes Society and Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care
Detail: http://www2.convention.co.jp/idfwpr2012/
3rd Annual Meeting
- 3rd Scientific Meeting of AASD
- Date: July 22 (Fri.) - 24 (Sun.) , 2011
Venue: Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China
President: Prof. Linong Ji
Host: Chinese Diabetes Society
Detail: annual_3rd/outline/index.html

2nd Annual Meeting
- 2nd Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society
- Date: May 28 (Fri.) to 29 (Sat.), 2010.
Venue: Okayama Digital Museum and others, Okayama, Japan
President: Prof. Kouhei Kaku
Host: Japan Diabetes Society and Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care
Detail: annual_2nd/outline/index.html

1st Annual Meeting
- 1st Scientific Meeting of AASD in conjunction with the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society
- Date: May 22 (Fri.), 2009
- AASD Poster Presentation (PDF)
- 52nd Annual Meeting of
the Japan Diabetes Society Main Program (PDF)
Venue: Osaka International Convention Center, Osaka, Japan
President: Prof. Atsunori Kashiwagi
Host: Japan Diabetes Society and Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care
Detail: annual_1st/program/index.html