The Masato Kasuga Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement

This award is an AASD award established in 2013 to honor a young investigator who has outstanding scientific achievements in the field of diabetes and related metabolic diseases in Asia. Professor Masato Kasuga is well known for his outstanding contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms of insulin action and their roles in diabetes.
Criteria for selection
- The nominee must be 50 years of age or younger.
- The nominee should have superior scientific achievements in diabetes-related research.
- The awardee is requested to deliver the Masato Kasuga Award Lecture at the AASD Scientific Meeting.
- The awardee is requested to contribute a review article for The Award Lecture in the Journal of Diabetes Investigation.
- The awardee will be presented a plaque in the award ceremony at the AASD Scientific Meeting.
- The awardee will be presented a $5,000 honorarium along with complimentary registration fee and travel expenses.
Nomination process
- The application must be submitted using the AASD Award Application Form.
- The application must be submitted by members of AASD
- A letter of nomination (less than 400 words) signed by a nominator with not more than 2 co-signers is acceptable.
- Nominees are requested to submit their CV and publication highlights (up to five publications relevant to the award).
- The application form and supporting documents should be submitted to the AASD office ( by e-mail before the deadline.
Selection process
- The awardee is selected by the AASD Awards Selection Committee. The Executive Board of AASD will give the final approval.