- 2025-03-05
- AASD Award 2024 Winners
- 2024-08-14
- AASD 2025 will be held at Taipei on March 28-30, 2025. The homepage is up now
- 2024-05-28
- AASD2024inMongolia: The deadline for calling for the abstract has been extended!
- 2024-04-20
- 16th AASD in Mongolia: Call for abstracts! Travel grant is available.
Don't miss your opportunity for presentation!
- 2024-02-09
- 16th AASD will be held in Mongolia, August 15-17, 2024 in conjunction with UICED.
- 2023-11-28
- AASD Awards 2024 - Open for Nomination
- 2023-06-16
- AASD Award 2023 Winners
- 2023-04-28
- Registration for the IDF-WPR 2023/15thAASD- 21-23 July- is now open!
- 2023-02-03
- To receive our APC support for JDI articles by AASD members, submit the reimbursement form.
- 2022-12-26
- IDF 2023/15thAASD will be held in Kyoto, July 21 (Fri)-23 (Sun), 2023.
- 2022-11-18
- Important notice: Change of procedure on JDI Article Publication Charge subsidized by AASD
- 2022-11-15
- AASD Awards 2023 - Open for Nomination
- 2022-09-27
- AASD Award 2022 Winners
- 2022-09-05
- 14th AASD Scientific Meeting in conjunction with JSDC Registration Form
Registration instructions
- 2022-06-15
- 14th AASD Scientific Meeting in conjunction with JSDC
- 2022-02-18
- AASD Awards 2022 - Open for Nomination
- 2021-09-16
- AASD Award 2021 Winners
- 2021-07-05
- 13th IDF-WPR Congress/12th AASD Scientific Meeting
13th IDF-WPR Congress/12th AASD Scientific Meeting (Shanghai, China) scheduled on 16th-18th July,2021 has been postponed by the local organizing committee. Further details will be announced, once it is available. Thank you very much for your understanding on this short notice.
- 2021-07-05
- The 11th International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism and the 13th AASD Scientific Meeting
11th International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism and the 13th AASD Scientific Meeting will be held on 7th-9th October, 2021 in Korea.
The details will be announced soon.
- 2021-02-01
- AASD Awards 2021 Open for Nomination / Deadline Extended to May 31,2021
- 2021-02-01
- AASD Award 2020 Winners
- 2020-03-02
- AASD Awards 2020 - Open for Nomination
- 2019-12-03
- Call for application of 2nd Joint AASD-EASD Clinical Research Course in 2020 : Deadline extended to Dec.10.
- 2019-10-25
- Announcement of 2nd Joint AASD-EASD Clinical Research Course in Diabetes 2020 (Osaka, Japan, 13-15 February, 2020)
- 2019-08-30
- Travel Grant IDF 2019 – Due Date Extended to September 17th, 2019
- 2019-07-01
- Travel Grant IDF 2019
- 2019-05-27
- Announcement of “Sendai Declaration on Diabetes Management in a Time of Natural Disaster” on May 24, 2019
- 2019-05-21
- AASD Award 2019 Winners Determined
- 2018-12-26
- Call for abstracts for the 11th AASD & the 62nd JDS / Deadline Extended to January 9, 2019 (at noon GMT +9)
- 2018-12-04
- 1st Joint AASD-EASD Clinical Research Course: Deadline Extended to December 7, 2018
- 2018-11-16
- Call for abstracts for the 11th AASD & the 62nd JDS / Deadline: December 28, 2018
- 2018-10-29
- AASD Award 2019 - Open for Nomination
- 2018-10-23
- AASD Award 2018 Winners Determined
- 2018-09-13
- Announcement of 1st Joint AASD-EASD Clinical Research Course in Diabetes 2019 (Osaka, Japan, 7-9 Feb.)
- 2017-12-27
- AASD Award 2018 Nomination: Deadline extended to Mar. 31th, 2018
- 2017-12-27
- Age Limit Changed for The Masato Kasuga Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement
- 2017-11-29
- AASD Award 2018 Nomination: Deadline extended to Dec. 30th, 2017
- 2017-09-25
- AASD Award 2018 - Open for nomination
- 2017-03-01
- AASD Award 2017 Winners Determined
- 2016-11-28
- AASD 2017 Abstract: Deadline Extended to December 12
- 2016-11-1
- AASD Award Nomination: Deadline extended to Nov. 15th, 2016
- 2016-9-9
- AASD Award 2017 - Open for Nomination
- 2016-6-20
- Journal of Diabetes Investigation achieved its highest impact factor!
- 2016-6-20
- Journal of Diabetes Investigation 今までで最高のインパクトファクターを達成!
- 2016-5-27
- Yutaka Seino, MD, PhD, Receives American Diabetes Association’s 2016 Harold Rifkin Award
- 2016-02-19
- Call for abstract for the 11th IDF-WPR / 8th AASD, Oct. 27-30th , 2016, Taipei
- 2015-10-20
- Announcement of the AASD Award Recipients of 2015
- 2015-08-12
- AASD Award 2016 - Open for Nomination (Due: 30 September, 2015)
- 2015-03-18
- Incretin 2015 - Abstract submission and registration - now online!
- 2014-08-18
- Final opportunity to submit your abstracts for the 10th IDF-WPR Congress and 6th AASD Scientific Meeting!
- 2014-07-25
- JADEC International Research Promotion Award to attend 6th AASD Scientific Meeting (Japanese residents only)
- 2014-07-25
- AASD Award Nominations extended to the Sep. 30th, 2014
- 2014-07-15
- 10th IDF-WPR/ 6th AASD in Singapore l Early registration until July 21st l Abstract submission until July 28th
- 2014-06-17
- AASD Chair, Professor Yutaka Seino, received the International Excellence in Endocrinology Award at the ICE/ENDO meeting in Chicago this year.
- 2014-05-14
- Diabetes Malaysia: 5th National Diabetes Conference 20th -22nd June 2014, Kualal Lumpur
- 2014-03-18
- 9th MSDA, Sep. 12th – Sep. 14th, 2014, Kyoto, Japan
9th Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes and Atherosclerosis
- 2014-03-05
- AASD Awards 2014 is Open for Nominations from March 1st to June 30th, 2014.
- 2014-02-26
- 25 – 27 April 2014, Diabetes Educators Society Conference 2014, Malaysia Registration Form(PDF)
- 2014-02-21
- ISPAD 2014 – Abstract Submission & Registration – NOW ONLINE!
- 2013-11-26
- AASD Award Press Release (in Japanese Language)
- 2013-10-25
- IDF World Diabetes Congress at Melbourne, 2-6 December 2013
- 2013-10-09
- JDI is accepted by PubMed Central (PMC) and becomes searchable in PubMed!
- 2013-10-03
- ICDM 2013 / 5th AASD: the deadline for pre-registration until October 5 (Sat), 2013
- 2013-09-30
- Papers submitted to JDI after Sep. 24th will be an Open Access Articles
- 2013-09-30
- JDI will convert to a full Open Access Journal from 1 January 2014
- 2013-09-06
- Nomination of Candidates for the AASD Named Awards
- 2013-07-11
- Announce from JADEC: Travel grant to attend 5th AASD Scientific Meeting in Korea (Japanese only)
- 2013-07-01
- The official website is open for the 5th AASD Scientific Meeting (Seoul, Korea)
- 2013-06-21
- 2012 Impact Factor is released!
Journal of Diabetes Investigation's new impact factor is 1.770
- 2012-12-03
- Announcement of Kyoto Declaration on Diabetes
- 2012-06-14
- 9th IDF-WPR Congress/4th AASD Scientific Meeting;The deadline for the abstract submission has been postponed to noon of Friday June 22, 2012 (UTC +9).
- 2012-06-06
- 9th IDF-WPR Congress/4th AASD Scientific Meeting;The deadline for the abstract submission has been postponed to noon of Friday June 15, 2012 (UTC +9).
- 2012-01-23
- Trouble Shooting: credit card payment for membership renewal (English)
- 2012-01-23
- Trouble Shooting: credit card payment for membership renewal (Japanese)
- 2011-10-06
- The official website is open for the joint meeting of 4th AASD and the 9th IDF WPR Congress
- 2011-06-16
- JDI has been accepted into Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
- 2010-10-27
- The first announcement of the 3rd AASD Scientific Meeting 2011
- 2010-03-24
- Update for 2nd AASD annual meeting
- 2010-02-04
- Credit Card is available in payment for annual fee for residents in Japan.
- 2010-01-12
- Credit Card is now available in payment for annual fee.
(only for residents not in Japan)
- 2010-01-06
- 2nd AASD annual meeting
- 2009-11-09
- Announcement for the 2nd AASD Annual Meeting.
- 2009-08-27
- AASD Member invited.